DK7IH – Welcome to “Old School” radio engineering!

This presentation is about “hardware defined” radios. Although I think that SDRs (i. e. Software defined radios) are a great invention, this website is dedicated to the “old school” style of building ham radio transceivers. In spite of the fact that there are some highly innovative designs on the market like building a relatively cheap amateur radio transceiver by using an 8-bit microcontroller as part of the radio frequency circuits, In my opinion a “real” radio must have filters, mixers, low-level amplifiers and other “old style” stuff. So let me invite you on a trip back to the 1970s and 80s, when engineering a radio was more about the knowledge of circuits than about computers.

Should you have any questions or comments please mail

peter(at) !

Latest entries:












Older Articles

Transceivers/Two-way radios for SSB modulation

With analog VFO

With digital VFO



Station transceivers

Classical Circuits – A collection of tested and proven modules

Test equipment

Antennas and Tuners


Microcontroller related material

Digital radio frequency generation (DDS etc.)

Tutorials, Algorithms etc.

Scuba diving

Remote controlling, telemetry etc.

My code collection on Github (Embedded C for AVR and STM32)
